We’re reducing food waste 30% by 2025

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Try one of our DOING GOOD low-waste recipes that put undervalued ingredients to good use. From carrot tops that are turned into pesto, and banana bread that uses the whole fruit (peel and all), they transform what could have been destined for the landfill into craveable bites.

Carrot Bacon on burger

Carrot Bacon

Tired of tossing carrot peels? Turn them into crispy, savory carrot bacon!

Banana bread

The Whole Banana Bread

Why waste banana peels when you can turn them into something delicious?

Oatmeal Crumble Cookie

Oatmeal Crumble Cookies

Leftover oatmeal? No problem! Transform it into irresistible oatmeal crumble cookies.

Veggie Top Pesto

Veggie Top Pesto

Don't toss those veggie tops! Turn them into a vibrant and flavorful pesto sauce that adds a burst of freshness to your pasta dishes.